Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The usual summer stuff

Paul and I did some of our usual summertime things this past weekend.  First, we went to see Spamalot at the Washington Park Playhouse:
This is my usual  picture of knitting-while-waiting-for-the-show-to-start-because-we-got-there-an-hour-and-a-half-early-because-I-get-obsessive-about-not-getting-a-good-seat.  Apparently other people do too, because there were A LOT of people already there when we got there.  It was a terrific show - hilarious!   See the below knitting update for what I'm knitting in this picture.

Then we went to the Brimfield antiques show where we got a few things:
That would be:
1) A dolly for a 55 gallon drum.  I don't even know if we have any of those...
2) A Buick hubcap from the 1940's.
3) A Murray pedal car for Paul to restore.  This was the best one we found - in working order with only one thing missing that we could see.  And which we don't know what it is.   There is simply a hole where something should go.  We need to research.
4) Not shown - because we didn't find any - a dress form and a head model, for me to display and take pictures of my knitting.

No pictures from while we were there since it was HOT and I didn't think about it.  And when I thought about it, it was raining.  We got away with no rain for about 3 hours but trudged around for another hour while it was raining on and off.  Good times.  Mostly.

Then, we drove up to Lake George to see the lake and get ice cream from Martha's Dandee Crème.  I would put some pictures here but I took them with my newfangled "smart" phone but I can't find them.  That's not smart.

In Knitting News
Pictures of my blocked Mystic Spiral:
This picture is the best representation of the true color.

Like you really need three pictures, right?  The one I took of me wearing it came out terrible, so I spared you.

While at Spamalot, I worked on my latest obsession, the Oak Trail hat from Alana Dakos' latest book, Botanical Knits.  Here's the picture again, because I forgot to get a better one (click on the link for the official pattern pic):

In Book News:
I'm gearing up to do some book reviews, I promise.  However, I must tell you that Goodreads has informed me that "At your current pace, you're 4 books (9%) behind schedule."  And by "informed me" I mean shouted it from the sidebar as I scrolled down the page when I went to my Goodreads homepage the other day.  To remind you, my goal is to read 45 books in 2013.  I have only read 20. ONLY.


  1. "Goodreads" needs a good smack upside the head! What 's up with the shouting??! :(
    Your Mystic Spiral hat is a beauty..love the fullness in the back. Plllleeeaaase post a photo of you wearing it :)
    Thanks for the "review" of Spamalot! Going to check out if there 's a movie version.
    Hmmmmm..that stuff you got at Brimfield - hmmmmmmm LOL!

  2. Spamalot was excellent, they did a great job!
    What no ice cream post!
    I love the hats
