Friday, May 3, 2013

Can you possibly want to see more pictures of our yard?

I thought I'd have more knitting to show you, but it was a busy week with the doodlebugs and teaching knitting classes.  Oh, and I was reading a good book.  More on that later.  One of these days I'll remember to take pictures at my classes so you can see what everyone is learning. 

So, I only have the progress on the doodlebug vest to show you:
It's coming along nicely.  That's all I can say about it right now.  It looks like it did in the last picture, only longer.  I think I'm almost at separating for the armholes and that's where it will get sticky.

Part of the busy week included lots of walks to the park to play:
.... and a visit to say hello to Grandma:
Grandma's pretty street.
While I was teaching last night, Paul apparently started the first mowing of the season.  This is what it looked like this morning:
Right side mowed.  Left side not mowed.
We have sort of a large yard to mow, so it is usually done in a couple of evenings.

Everything is looking so bright and colorful these days!:
Turtles sunning themselves.
Ok, enough of that.  I think the yard pictures are getting a little monotonous.  Which is not to say that I won't stop posting them!  Maybe just not in EVERY post...

A Book Review!
The Dinner by Herman Koch. I  heard about this book from the Books on the Nightstand podcast.  It was one of the host's recommendation for their "Two Books We Can't Wait For You To Read" segment.  It was great.  Although pretty disturbing and a little gruesome.  Doesn't that make you want to read it?

Two couples meet for dinner and as the dinner progresses we realize their association with each other as well as that they are there to discuss something awful that has happened.  We see, through the eyes of the storyteller, who is one of the dinner participants, how each of them views and deals with this given each of their pasts and their relationships to the issue.  I know that's not telling you much, but it's one of those things that I don't want to say too much so you can discover things as they are revealed.  But, suffice it to say, I was hooked into finding out what we were going to learn next.

1 comment:

  1. Very Nice, let me know when you finish the book, sounds like a good one
