That's all I can give you for now! More explantions later, but posts might be sporadic for a little while longer....
But in Gardening News:
I have a wonderfully lush weed garden:
Isn't it pretty?
But seriously, I changed that today and now have some veggies growing:
Tomatoes (thanks to my sister-in-law Anita who is a much more accomplished seed-starter than I am!), cabbage, zucchini and eggplant. Beans to be planted soon.
In Other Yard-Related News:
This red-winged black bird has been SUCH a nuisance!:
Paul did see some activity from one of our pond turtles the other day. It walked away from the pond and started digging in the grass, we believe to lay some eggs. Here are a couple of the digging spots:
Isn't it weird that they both look heart-shaped? During one of our walks, we actually saw the turtle sitting in a hole (but of course I didn't have my camera).
Then, we checked up on the growing frog population:
There really are frogs in those last two pictures. You just have to look hard (toward the middle of each picture).
That's all for now. Knitting update next post. I finished a hat, but haven't blocked it and you can't tell what it looks like un-blocked. I'm also working on a wrap with some soft alpaca/wool yarn and a scarf/shawlette with laceweight yarn. The wrap is in the first picture of this post but I forgot to take better pictures!
Thanks for the yarn update!